
Inertia, in physics, is the property that bodies possess to oppose a change in their state of rest or movement in which they find themselves. That resistance was the same as that exercised by Clementina Yale 20 years ago, when her husband told her that they had to leave the countryside in the community of Patatorcoco in the Province of Zudañez, Bolivia and go to the city.

The Plurinational State of Bolivia is characterized as a country with an agile and growing migratory dynamic, particularly internally. Rural-city migration, despite the benefits it brings to the urban population, as cheap labour, servitude, diverse agricultural products and at low prices, is an extremely tolerable but discriminatory phenomenon.

The abandonment of the countryside and the new settlements in the peripheries of the cities contribute every day to alter the ecosystem, e.g Clementina’s family have never been able to sow the land because the place where they now live is not suitable for agriculture. Additionally, the new life in the city has forced them to forget their roots to be accepted within society; “I no longer dress traditional, because in the city they no longer dress like that”.